Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dinner, Dessert...But No Movie

Last night we hosted the ministers and their families that serve in our church for dinner and dessert... and they actually came! Lila made Jay, Casey, and Steve's favorite dessert which was nice because it allowed the rest of us to have a sample. We truly appreciate the work they do as the serve God and the witness they have in our community.

All the kids had fun, even Steve as he ventures into the table tent.

Time out for a quick photo between dinner and dessert.
Who's your...

What can I say, the apron says it all.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Yes, I DO Read...But Not Very Often

Yes I have read a book, and am currently reading a book...most of you can't believe I can't sit still that long (usually you are right). First, the book I have actually completed; 90 Minutes In Heaven... in a nut shell, an interesting story about a pastor's tragedy and the good that came out of it. My current read; Three Views On The Rapture...I am currently reading about the first view, The Case for the Pretribulation Rapture Position. Three authors present what they believe the Bible is saying about end times; pre-, mid-, post-...then the other two authors give their response to that writers view. I won't tell which one I firmly believe, but I want to see what the other two views have to say: A very in depth book which requires your attention to understand what the writer is saying about end times.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Read Between The Lines

(1) I saw Maurico Vargas leaving the building headed for El Salvador. I spoke with Norm Howell yesterday; he is leaving for West Africa next week.
(2) Yes, it is just the front door to the Baptist Building...but what is significant is on the window to the left in photo (3).
(3) The Great Commission...the most important word (in my opinion) is the first word Jesus spoke...
Enough said!

A Capital Improvement Of My Day



I know you will find it hard to believe, but his morning I got bored sitting around at the Baptist Building...so I decided it was field trip time. Hum, six blocks away is the capital building, I'm there. The photos above depict the following:
(1) The sign officially welcomes me to Jefferson City...I'm (really) feeling the history!
(2) Photo of the state capital building.
(3) Best stop on the field trip...expresso shot at the "Zone" on the way back to the Baptist Building.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Authority Everywhere I Go

Seems like everywhere I go I am surrounded by authority figures...I just don't get it!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Artificially Rocked

Sunday evening our youth group at FBC went rock climbing at IBEX. After the instruction period that covered such topics as; how to secure your harness to your waist, knot tying, belaying, and safety procedures, the instructor turned us loose on the wall. The different pathways were color coded and rated from easy (1) to expert (8). Number one was basically straight up with large rocks to aid you in your climb. From two on, the rocks became smaller as well as the wall slanted out as you ascended. The climb was physically and mentally challenging as I tried to secure a foothold on the side of the wall making my way upward.
Another important aspect of climbing the wall is your partner (mine was Andrew) on the ground, belaying the rope attached to your harness, as you climb. When you fall off the wall or can not go any further, they literally hold you in the palm of their hand.
Climbing this wall is similar to ones walk in life. Daily challenges, obstacles, choosing the right course as well as trusting in some one are just a few of the things a follower of Jesus encounters in their daily walk.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Dot To Dot

I am now an official member of the (red dot) Indian Duo...aka Man Singh Clan. Guess which one is me?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

One True Casualty

For the past two and one-half days, I have had symptoms that resemble jet lag along with very bad diarrhea. So I have hung out at the house trying to re cooperate...only instead of getting better, I was going the other direction. The wake-up call was last evening when I was having severe chilling in 92 degree heat. So when I arrived home from the associational picnic, I took my temperature: It was 101 degrees under my arm. After two doses of ibuprofen, this morning it was 99.5 degrees under my arm. After going to my doctor early this morning, she said this is not jet lag: It is either a bacterial or parasite infection. "You got it from the water or from the food you ate:" (it has an incubation period).

So off to the drug store I went to get Metronidazol 500mg tab and Ciprofloxacn500mg tab to attempt to combat this "bug." She said come back and see me Friday if you are not better and we'll do some tests. Also , eat a bland diet...darn, no green peppers! So until then, I guess hanging out at the house won't be too bad. I am just thankful that it happened on my home turf. It would have been difficult to share Jesus when I can't get very far from the porcelain goddess!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Heading Home

Supper Saturday night at Hotel Confort in Bucharest.

A bird's eye view of the airport in Bucharest...heading for home.

O'Hara airport, Chicago.

David Mansingh opens this gift...The Last Supper (for more info. about this significant gift ask him).

Dinner at El Maguey with many friends and family that met us at KCI airport, then had dinner.

For more information see the Michele's blog .

Brashov, Rashnov, And Bran

Corner of the Black Church

Front door of the Black Church in Brashov.

The square in Brashov.

Team three photo with the city of Brashov in the background.

Bilet Intare Muzeu (fortified city museum) in the city of Rishnov.

The city of Rishnov taken from the fortified city.

Muzeul National Bran.

How much wicker can you load on a Dachia?

Our hotel in Bran.

The (60') cross in Sinaia

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Above photos: Traditional Romanian Breakfast served at our hotel in Bran.
Peles National Palace in Sinaia
Team three photo on the steps at Peles.
Sitting at the entrance of Peles, Troy saw Mr. Singh an his wife. David Mansingh met with him in the fall of 2005 in Galati, in his office at Metal Company (largest steel coop in the world) where he is the boss. Since then, Troy lost contact with him (Troy was back in the USA July 2006 through February 2007) but has now established contact with him divine appointment perhaps?).

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Team Three's Last Day's Work In Galati

It is 9:30 pm (Thursday) and we have just finished for the day in zone 9 doing street evangelism. Earlier we were in zone 6 doing the same along with some studies. I have personally grown in my faith and walk with Jesus since coming over to Galati a month ago. Once again, God has taken me out of my comfort zone and placed me into another uncomfortable zone in order to mold me into the person He wants me to be. Witnessing in my comfort zone, the athletic arena, (esp. tennis court) is not a problem for me, but having the courage to walk up to another person that doesn't have a love for a particular sport was difficult to do the first time. After the first time, I just ask God to give me the Divine appointment he had for me and words from the Holy Spirit. I threw the seeds and let God do the rest. It is truly uncomfortable when you are asked to get outside your comfort zone...but true growth only takes place when you do this.

I believe God has begun to reveal to me what he wants me to do as one career winding down and another is beginning in the planting stage. All I know is that obedience is the distinguishing mark of a disciple. In God's time he will reveal His Will...my part is to be obedient.

Friday we head for the mountains, so unless we can get hooked up, this will be the last blog until I get back to the states.

I tried this REAL spicy pepper...twice. Duh...burned my mouth then my tongue. I thought the seeds were where the heat was...Landon saidsomething like, I think it is in the oil, or something...that is when I burned my tongue. Landon laughed so hard, he cried.

Bogdon didn't drink coffee until I showed up. Now we get caffeinated together. Mr Coffee meets Juan Valdes.

Whitney giving some of the children around the training center candy before going to work tonight. When we started to leave, they had lots of hugs and kisses for her. She is literally a kid magnet.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Last Day In Galati

This is the last day staying in our home away from home for approx a month.
Before inhaling his breakfast, Zach poses with is apple strudel.
Yesterday in zone 6 Zach and I spoke to an educator named Stephan about the Bible ...amazingly enough he was well versed, believed everything we spoke about, but wasn't sure about where he would go when he died. We will be able to speak with him again today in the valley: We also spoke to Bogdon's father and we will get the opportunity to speak with him today.
Last evening, Landon shared Jesus with a young man, approx. 18 years old, who was very interested in what he had to say (wanted studies ). The young man also spoke fluent English.
Troy, Mihi, and Robert (Bogdon and Paula's little boy) have difficulty eating an ice cream cone with out getting it ALL over their hand. Here I demonstrate the proper technique.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

God Continues To Work In The Valley

Left photo: We continue to work in the zone 6 in the afternoon and in zone 9 in the evening.
Right photo: Nancy presents the ladies aprons from FBC...quite nice if I say so my self.
The highlight yesterday was when Roxanna, Bogdon's sister prayed the repenter's and received Christ (see Troy's Blog titled: Team Effort Brings Roxanna to Christ for the whole story). The work continues in z6...the nationals and the team secured three more contacts for today. In z9 several studies are still ongoing and contacts on the street continue. We thank God for the Holy Spirit that precedes us as we serve here in Galati guiding us to scheduled appointments.

Afternoons in Zone 6, Evenings in Zone 9

Top photo: Lunch at a Greek Restaurant, Olympus a,cross from Troy's pad started our afternoon off, before going to zone 6. The security guard there approached us and began to speak to us in English. It ended up he is a repenter (attends the Baptist church there) from Timisoara, working here in Galati...his parents live in Seattle, WA.
Bottom photo: Heading into zone 6...the Valley.

Top photo: Romanian street crew revamping a road in the valley.
Bottom photo: One of the many streets in zone 6.

Above photo: Bogdon leads lesson 6 while we listen and add to it from time to time. Two other teams were presenting lessons as well as us.

After dinner we were on the streets in zone 9...approx. 12 in number, divided into 4 teams. Several started studies in John, while others continued the study or Shared Jesus Without Fear to those we encountered. Bogdon, Zach and me, spoke to several of the young people and set up football tonight at 6:30 pm on the junior high school's asphalt soccer field (10:30 am your time). But the best was yet to come for us...Troy was gone from 12 pm on transporting kids to a camp near Buzau. So we were pretty much with the nationals all day. We arrived back at the training center, the nationals left except (little) Mihi. We started tossing a football around and within 30 minutes, there were approximately 35-40 kids and young people around the area. We had the opportunity to get acquainted with them and share Jesus with some of the older ones. So after 9 pm we told them we needed to go, but would be back again. Please continue for the work in zone 6 and 9, that we will be receptive to those God sends us to.