Monday, May 26, 2008

One Of Many Gifts For Randy

On one of Troy's recent blog posts, Randy was the King of the Grill. cooking out at a special event and he had no apron. Therefore, I feel my duty to "hook him up" with some of these valuable outdoor items has been called into service. Randy, I'll bet you see this special gift (as well as a few others) when we jump the pond later on this summer. I will keep the other ones a surprise until ya can't wait!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

2008 FBC Memorial Of Lights

Tonight our church members and and a few citizens of our community honored our loved ones with the memorial of lights in McCorkle Park. Below are some photos of the evenings events. For more photos, see Jay's blog site (listed in my Other Sites to Visit list).

Left: The Sand Man cometh, on a tractor.
Right: The brawn and brains...

Left: The set-up
Right: The crowd.

Left: The hand bell choir.
Right: The short message.

Setting up the Luminaries.

Left: A rose between two thorns.
Right Nancy puts the finishing touches on a luminary.

Whitney and her little friend

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Here Ya Go Chaz!

Alright, here you go Chaz...I aim to please. Here is two photos of the snowball bush, heavy laden with snowballs. To answer your second question, I don't think you can afford the services of Garden Boy (me).

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I Just Love Spring

I don't know what all these are called...I really don't care. All I know is that I love Spring and these beautiful plants growing in my yard are not only beautiful, but some of them smell great too. The only problem was what was waiting at the door when I came into the house...

I went outside and didn't include Nike...he was not very pleased with me!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Graduation, And End Of School Activities

Left: The morning of the last day of high school for Whitney.
Right: The first day of school, Whit's senior year...Megan left
Whitney right.

Left: Baccalaureate at FBC for the senior class...Whitney getting her Bible.
Right: Band-O-Rama at CHS.

Left: What fathers are good for on graduation day...saving seats early!
Right: The entrance.

Left: CHS 2008 graduates
Right: Cousin Lauren (left) graduated from a town near us same day, same time.

Left: Ryan (one of my senior wrestlers) and Whit at the CHS after grad. party.
Right: Parkview end of school lunch and awards.

Last day of school...twenty seven down, three to go.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

MasterLife; Outside The Box

Tuesday evening four of the six members of our Wednesday MasterLife met for dinner and our weekly session at our home. It is so cool to meet outside of the church setting to fellowship and share God's word: Our Sunday morning MasterLife class meets during Sunday School, so it is not feasible to meet outside the church setting (inside the box). As I teach the MasterLife series, it is so awesome to watch the transformation that happens in each class member's life as they daily ask God to make Luke 9:23 a reality in their life.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Kairos III Concludes

What a blessing it was that God chose me to be a team member on the Kairos team that witnessed to the offenders in CRCC this past weekend. I am truly amazed what God is doing in my life, as He continually pushes me outside my comfort zone. We showed these men love through our savior Jesus totally blew them away. Several of them, were trying to find out "what's the angle" they later found out very clearly, there was no "angle'. I attended the past two closings, but this one was special because these men had become my Brothers in Christ. At the closing, all twenty-nine spoke...many times I found myself choking back the tears as I heard them talk about what they had experienced. My prayer, for many of them, is that they will develop a new relationship with Jesus Christ and not hold on to their " hollow religious beliefs." To the true followers of Jesus, that they may continue to grow and be a light, shining brightly in a dark place and that they will show the unconditional love they experienced during the Kairos weekend to those they come in contact with.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Kairos III At CRCC

God is alive and well as he continues, through the Holy Spirit to move in the lives of men that are in prison: Today was day two for our Kairos team at CRCC here in Cameron. We have tomorrow and the closing ceremonies Sunday afternoon. There are many religious beliefs (Muslims, Christians, Nation of Islam, Atheists, Catholic, Buddhists, and no affiliation with any belief at all) between the thirty offenders in Kairos III. As a team, twenty six men in all (composed of different denominations), we are entering unified with one purpose, to show the offenders God's love. I am amazed how God continues to work in my life as he molds and shapes me in to the man He desires me to become. Our team would covet your prayers, that God will work in the lives of these men and make Jesus real in their lives.

Crossroads from a distance

The main building where we enter and exit.

As I was getting ready to enter and hook up with
my group, I met my friend Larry, leaving CRCC
after his shift.