Friday, March 21, 2008

Congratulations Ken

Ken's office for a few more days,

Ken (left) and a cookout he provided this afternoon (right).

My friend (and soon to be X State Farm Agent) Ken will be retiring from the insurance business on the 31st of this month after forty-three years, nine months. Today he hosted an open house at his office to celebrate this milestone in his life. Ken is a outstanding example of a Christian leader not only in the church, but in this community. Ken truly cares for people, not taking advantage of them: This is becoming a rare thing in this country that promotes get as much for number one as you can, period. Congratulations Ken!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

YOU Missed Out

Tonight at FBC the members were given the opportunity to participate in a prayer walk through our facility, stopping at six stations. The seventh was a private communion in the sanctuary with Steve and Jay which was a very meaningful time. Each station was equipped with a small plant on a table, with a Bible opened to the scripture (to be read), and then we prayed. If you were unable to attend, you missed out on a true blessing. Below are the information posters from each station (to read, click on each poster to enlarge).

Friday, March 7, 2008

No Rookies Found Here

Team members: (left to right) Taylor, Whitney, Andrew, Lanny, and Casey

The team members and dates have been selected, and the airfare we begin to prepare, and get our hearts in tune to God's Will. Our mission team will be traveling to Romania in early July for two weeks of street and sports evangelism in the city of Galati. All the team members have at least one trip to Galati under their belt, so we all know what we are getting into. We will be working with IMB missionary Troy Geddes and many Romanian nationals that we have developed friendships with over the years. This year Randy and Teresa Meyers IMB Master (50 years or older) missionaries will also be there in the city working with Troy. They will be leaving the states in April to begin their work God has already scheduled them to do. We have quite a bit of time before we leave but we are actively seeking God's Will.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Paul, Barnabas, and Timothy

Yesterday in MasterLife class (book 4, session 5: Training Disciples), the topic of Disciplining and Role Modeling was discussed in our opening group session and then it continued in our small groups. Landon was responsible for leading the opening session and our small (men's) group. In the large group he reinforced to us that as followers of Jesus we are commanded to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:16-20). In our Christian walk we encounter three characteristics of men in the Bible as we are disciples and as we disciple: Paul, Barnabas, and Timothy. Paul (your mentor, the one that has or is currently discipling you), Barnabas (the one that is where you are...they walk with you), and Timothy (the one you are disciplining). Of the three, Timothy is the one that, for me, gets my undivided attention. What an awsome responsibility it is when you are a Paul, to another follower of Jesus...I find it more comfortable when I am in the other two roles. But in order to grow in our walk with Jesus, we need to be outside our comfort zone.

Throughout my life as a follower of Jesus, so far I have experienced four Pauls in my life: Two are currently mentoring me, one lives in California and one has gone Home. Below, I have put together a small video about one of these men. What a sacrifice he has made in order to follow the Master's Call. As I go through my life, my hope is that I can make the kind of impact on another person's life that he has made on mine.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Seniors Honored

Tonight we honored the wrestling team at our annual awards banquet at CHS. Above is a photo of the seven seniors on our team and the four coaches. Every year for me, this is a bittersweet event.

The Disciple's Cross Through Martin's Eyes

Above Left: Martin shares his Disciple's Cross (from the MasterLife series) using his violin in our worship services this morning. He is almost through the six month MasterLife week to go and the commissioning service.
Above Right: Martin and Steve played Amazing Grace for the special music after his presentation.