Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday Morning Suprise

This morning Whitney and I were entering the sanctuary for the 10:45 am service (I was attempting to protect my bag of peanut m&m's from my determined, candy stealing child) and
we were making quite a ruckus in front of the church. I noticed a couple sitting near the front left side and they looked familiar, like I knew them, but I couldn't put a name with the face. Whit and I sat in the same row that they were seated in as she continued to harass me about my m&m's. The gentleman walked over and sat down by me and I said to him something like, you look familiar to me..."Randy Meyers," he said as he shook my hand. Now it all clicked in my mind...this is Randy & Teresa from Troy's church in Popular Bluff. I have seen their photos on Troy's blog many times (when they were in Galati, Romania) on short term mission trips with their church. It was great to finally meet them and have them worship with us today. They were introduced to all those that had been to Romania that were in the morning service. Yes, and after church, they were invited to lunch at my wife's and Nancy's favorite spot...El Maguey.

The Meyers will be going to Galati next spring on the Masters Program through the IMB. Below are a few random photos from today's events.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Show Me What It Means...

As I go about my daily routine there are people God selects to put in my pathway at the time that seem obscure. As you begin to develop a friendship with them, you begin to see in their life something that is missing in yours. A deeper more committed lifestyle than your own. God begins to show you where you truly are in your relationship with him. You then have the choice at that point to continue to live for yourself or turn your life, your will, over and put Jesus first place in your life. In the late Fall of 2004 this is what happened to me when I met a man named Troy, living in Galati, Romania. This guy just oozed with Jesus all the was like, it just happened. I was a Christian (aka repenter) but I was still living my life for me. Here was this IMB missionary with his family of five living in Romania, barely getting by (financially), struggling with the language barrier, not getting any support from a small cell church, and the list goes on and on and on. But it was like it didn't matter to him...he was where God wanted him to be and he was joyful. He had a kind of faith rarely seen in many Christians that I knew back in the States. This made an indelible impact on my life. There is a verse in a favorite song of mine "Show Me What It Means" by Jeremy Camp, that does a pretty god job of describing Troy...the second verse says this: "I want this world to always see, You're perfect majesty, reflecting from my life, this brilliant poetry. Written all over this place the signs of all creation that you breathed. Words can't even say how much you mean to me." Even though I didn't recognize it at the time, God was beginning to mold me into the man He wanted me to start becoming by meeting this American thousands of miles from home.

Since then, I have returned to Galati, Romania on two short-term mission trips and this past year for a month. This servant of Jesus continues to allow God to guide his steps as he spreads the Word in Romania. I check his blog several times a week to see what is happening in Galati as God continues to work in his and his family's life, and with the nationals he shares Jesus with. I razz him quite a alot, but his stand for Jesus Christ is just amazing. I am truly blessed to call him a friend and a mentor in my life. At this special time of the year when we observe Thanksgiving, I wonder how many are truly thankful for the over abundance we have as Americans. After visiting Romania, God has begun to develop in my character an appreciation how He has blessed me and my family.

May God bless you this holiday season.

Gone Fish'in

Three week earlier on a Saturday we went fishing and practically froze, caught 2 bass and 3 bluegill, not too fun. OK, here is the is November 17, this (Saturday) afternoon the temperature forecast is 60's with plenty of sun. Hum, what would I totally enjoy doing on such a spectacular day? Yep, go fishing for a few hours, two and a half to be exact: What a great idea. So my good friend Larry and I headed to one of his newly acquired fishing holes, and what a fine spot it is! Pictured above is the fruits of our labors; 5 walleye and 28 crappie (average length 11'). Unlike three weeks ago, we didn't freeze and we were catching fish so fast, the boat had several flopping around in it until we slowed down long enough to put them back in the drink. It is great to have a Christian friend like Larry. I am truly blessed that God has allowed him to be a part of my life.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I Done Been Tagged...Oh Boy!

I have been tagged on my comments section of my blog by two of my favorite people (lol) and now I am required by the "tag rules" to leave ten facts, habits, or goals about myself that are not widely known. Ok, here we go, try not to slobber on your keyboard when you fall asleep!

1. In the senior play I played the part of Francis Fryer...I had to dress up like a bar room dancer with a flapper dress and high heels (you get the picture) and do a dance during one of the scenes. Totally out of the box!
2. I have been teaching at Cameron this year the same number of years that my father was the preacher at FBC Lathrop...twenty-seven years. He died in February of 1989 (27th year).
3. This past June I was responsible for leading team one to Galati, Romania (below left)...not too bad for some one that was not going back after returning home in October of 2004.

4. Of all the photos and memories I have from Romania, the one of Troy (above right) in the Fall of 2005 is my favorite. A picture is worth a thousand words.
5. I can not stomach coaches that use their players to further their careers. Nor can I stomach those that favor certain athletes due to their families status in the community.
6. Never played on a competitive tennis team until I arrived at college. Walked on my first year, played varsity, then was on full scholarship for the next three.
7. I have one national and one finalist finish (silver plates) from USA League Team Championships. They are currently wrapped in newspaper and stored in my basement.
8. I have always lived in Missouri...possibly this will change in three or four years.
9. I totally am hooked on fishing. I love to fish for all kinds of fish, but especially crappie and bass. Yea, I know, none of you can believe this. I am totally outside the box and this doesn't exactally fit...
10. When I was younger I wasn't getting married or having children...I am happily married and have two wonderful daughters,

Monday, November 12, 2007

A "Special" Weekend

Left: Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals won by athletes that competed in State Special Olympic Bowling Tournament.
Right: Team photo of bowling team after Saturday's competition.
Above: From now until school dismisses for the Summer, I live on one of these yellow mobile homes.

I was truly blessed to be invited by Patricia to accompany these special students to their state competition. When I use the word "special" I am referring to them in the way God sees them and every one of us. Every one of us is God's masterpiece, made in His image, placed on this earth for a particular purpose. It was great to see the smiles and witness the accomplishments of the team members as they competed for state recognition in the Special Olympics. I look forward to accompanying them this April to the outdoor competition.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

FBC Fall Festival

To celebrate Halloween, our church offers a safe, fun, place where the children and their parents in our community can come and enjoy games, food, and fellowship. Below I have displayed a few of my favorite photos from last night's party.

The place

Even cousin It showed up
Will the real dummy please raise their left arm!
My two favorite characters last night, a cat and a rabbit.
Yes! Yes! even the king of rock-n-roll showed up...It's Elvis!!!
A tribute to David...inside joke, ask anyone that went to Romania when he was there!
Here is Bunga Bunga...I have nothing more to say about this photo...
Me and the king (of rock-n-roll)