Saturday, June 30, 2007

Zone 6

Earlier today Whit and I went to Bogdon's home with Matthew to pick up some DVDs. During the course of the conversation he mentioned he was going to the Valley (Z6- photo above left) to speak with some of them and do a couple of studies at 5 pm. We ask if he would like us to go with him and he said that it would be nice. We left for Z6 at 5 pm, met Catalin at the maxi taxi stop and off we went.
Bogdon and Catalin spoke with five or six families, taught an Acts study with one family, and the first John study with an elderly woman (above right photo).

Last week Whit and I went with Troy and Bogdon to get supplies to fix up the inside of the building that will be used for the training center in Z6. We walked past it today, I looked in... and it is really beginning to take shape. Bogdon has used his construction skills to further God's work in this area of the city as well as his life changing testimony to minister to the people in the Valley. It is truly amazing to watch him grow into the man God desires him to become.

The Many Faces Of Bug

At times, she acts just like her father.

Random Shots From The Streets

Friday, June 29, 2007

Team Two To The Mountains

Left photo: On the way to Brashov we saw the largest dam in Europe.
Right photo: Bran Castle...aka. Dracula's Crib.

Left photo: Peles Palace near Sinia.
Right photo: Taylor is all smiles, her luggage arrived in Bucharest: tomorrow she leaves for the USA.

The Raines and team two have been safely deposited at the Confort Inn in Bucharest this evening (Friday). They are awaiting the departure on Saturday, the Raines to Poland and team two the USA. God continued to allow us to toss the seeds to many people here in Galati, but especially the young men that joined us for a John Study and soccer several days this week. Our prayer is that they will want to know more about the Gospel as God leads them into opportunities to hear it proclaimed again.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tieing Up The Loose Ends

Left photo: This has become the favorite mode of transportation for the team this week here in Galati....maxi-taxi: I know it is Whits and mine.
Right photo: Mihai has not mastered the art of ice cream eating. Just like Troy and Robert (Bogdon and Paula's little boy), he seems to get more ON the outside than ON the inside!
A very healthy rain storm hit Galati around noon cooling the city down. The John study (makes 3) with soccer attached at 2 pm this afternoon as well as one other team completing another study in John. After dinner teams dispersed out in Z9 for their last evening in the concrete jungle. All the loose ends were organized this afternoon and evening so that the work can continue for the next two weeks. We are going with team two to the mountains on Thursday and Friday arriving in Bucharest Friday evening. Whit and I will leave for Galati while team two and Jay and Michelle (& family) head for Poland. Pray for safe travel for all three groups. I'll blog asap.

Teaching The Gospel Using Soccer

Left photo: Gospel soccer ball (colors used to teach about Jesus) used this week to play football this week in Galati. After John study, and football games, the balls are given to two of the boys that played that day.
Right photo: Sharing Jesus with some players while their team was not playing football.

Left photo: Sharing the Word in the streets and neighborhoods of Galati.
Right photo: These three Romanian Ladies feed us this week while we worked in Galati this week. Last night they were presented a gift from Israel depicting the feeding of five thousand. The team and translators appreciate these ladies commitment in making sure we are well nourished.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A Bird's Eye View of the Concrete Jungle

Left photo: #1
Right photo: #2

Left photo: #3
Right photo: #4

Above photo: #5

Beginning with photo #1 and scanning to photo #5 is micro 21---20---19. This makes up Zone #9, The Concrete Jungle. There is no other zone in Galati with the population of Z9...around 40,000 residents. It is a big city within itself especially when you are on the street. We have found one repenter here since beginning work with team one: Jay found a twelve year old boy one evening. How desperately the people here need to hear The Gospel that can change their life forever.

The Concrete Jungle Heats Up Today

Left photo: Breakfast on the run this morning on our way to the museum.
Right photo: Heading up many stairs to the museum in Galati.

Left photo: John study #3 before playing soccer at a playground two blocks behind our hotel.
Right photo: Soccer game in very hot conditions...but they stayed and played.

Photo above: Our group walked up on Jay and Mairana teaching the John study to an 86 year old lady and her friend. They were invited to do the study tomorrow night in her home.

God continues to allow the seeds to be thrown through out Z9 to young and old alike. Each day some fall on one of the four types of soil Even though it doesn't always fall on the good soil, the seed has been sown, it is now the Holy Spirit's time to work in their heart.

Monday, June 25, 2007

God Is At Work

Left photo: I got to hit at the Dacia courts this morning with the junior players. It was great to see those players I met in past years.

Right photo: We are learning how to navigate the city of Galati via maxi-taxi. It is not too difficult once you get the hang of where they go on their route.

Left photo: Team two and the nationals getting ready to hit the streets this evening.
Right photo: (to be added tomorrow from Ab's camera) Eighteen year old Marko listens to what God's Word has to say about his life.

Well, tonight Ab, Mairina (translator) and myself hit the streets in Z9. First we met with Laura, a businness owner. After speaking with her, she said a study would be good to do in her home, but she wanted her husband to do it with her. I gave her my number and she said that she would call in the next few days. Off we went to an area where we had completed three studies with four twelve year old girls last week...we spoke to an older lady (not interested) and a young man. We shared Jesus with him, but he said he was too busy to do any studies. We walked about four blocks or so when we passed a young man sitting on a metal pipe comming out of the ground. As we walked by he said "Hi" (very clear in English). We stopped, Mariana said we need to talk with him, so we walked back and began speaking with him. His name was Marko, and eighteen year old young man. After a few minutes we shared Jesus with him and let him read the scriptures from the Bible. He was interested in what the Bible had to say to say about eternal life. After we shared I ended with Acts 17:32-34 and ask him to identify the three groups Paul was talking about. Then I ask him, "Which of these three groups do you fit into?" He wanted to hear more about what the Bible had to say. We exchanged numbers, and I said we would talk about setting up a time to do study one at his convenience and on his turf.

As I have said in previous blogs, the Holy Spirit goes ahead of us, preparing the heart(s) of those he guides us to share Jesus with. It is evident to us that many of our church family is praying for us as we share in the streets of Galati...God bless you all!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday Service, Snacks, Soccer, And Sharing

As of this moment I am experiencing two mishaps: (1) my blog for the most part is in Romanian, I can not read this; (2) I had this posting all but finished with the photos and story ready, then the mouse froze...I lost everything. Oh well, roound II.

Left photo: Team two outside Holy Trinity waiting for Sunday service.
Right photo: Dragos in a tie, I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by to visually save this.

Left photo: (Laura, Roland, Jay) Roland and Laura invited the team to their home this afternoon for snacks and fellowship.
Right photo: Laura popping corn and deep frying pasta into chips. They were great, they tasted similar to Muncho potato chips.

We had a great experience on the street tonight, actually at the soccer playground. Casey, Abs, Whit, Travis, myself, and Marianna and Alisa (translators) headed to a school two or so blocks behind the hotel. There is a school with a asphalt soccer field we found last night. Casey had invited several young men to come and play and tonight they showed up at the hotel so we left for the field. To make a long story short, when we arrived I invited enough young men there to form three teams of six on each to play. Two teams played, winner stayed and played the team that was waiting. While the game(s) were being played, Marianna and I spoke to several young men standing there. One young man (named George, his first name translated to English) spoke fluent English, he was very interested in what the Bible had to tell him about eternal life. So we shared Jesus with him for what seemed a short while. George is very intelligent and asked many well thought out questions. I ended our conversation with Acts 17:32-34 and this question, "Which of the three groups do you fall into?" After he told me he wanted to hear more, we exchanged numbers and parted ways. He said he would be out of town until next Thursday and that he would call when he returns. Amazing enough we had talked for one hour and fifteen minutes, time flew by. My prayer is that George will have the courage to call when he returns and that the Holy Spirit will begin to work in his life. It is truly amazing to me how God allows events to happen so that we will be at this particular place at this particular time to speak to the person appointed to be there. We move and trust the Holy Spirit to go ahead of us.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Meeting Of The Teams

Left photo: Travis was the first member of team two to appear at the airport in Bucharest.
Right photo: Team one getting ready to board the shuttle to the airport.

Left photo: Casey, Travis, and me boarding the train from Bucharest to Galati.
Right photo: We met Cataline and Viola on the train. They practiced their English and we attempted learn some Romanian until they arrived at their stop.

Team two listens as Jay points out landmarks in Z9.

We arrived in Galati today (Saturday)...three by train and eight by van. Team one and two spent Friday evening in Bucharest together along with Troy, Karla, Andrew and Robert and Nikku. We enjoyed an evening together, then Saturday morning: Team one left for the USA, Troy and family left for Greece, and team two left for Galati.
We hit the streets from 6 to 7:30 pm with just the team, no interpiters...we had to seek out nationals that spoke English. With the help of the Holy Spirit the two, four member teams had some success Sharing Jesus Without Fear approach with the people we talked with.
I am truly thankful for the nationals here in Galati that God impresses on their hearts the desire to share Jesus with those in Galati walking in spiritual blindness. I, as well as the rest of the FBC (from Cameron) here in Galati are truly thankful to be able to work along side these Romanian believers as we shine the light of Jesus in this city.
Continue to pray for the Romanian nationals as the strive to tell the people in their about Jesus Christ.