Sunday, May 27, 2007

Memorial of Lights

Pictured below are photos of the Memorial of Lights that our church displays in the city park in our community (an outreach) on Memorial Day. White bags are available (several weeks before Memorial Day) in many businesses for residents to write a loved one's name and any information they wish to have on the memorial.

Four step process: (1) 1 cup of sand in the bag; (2) set-up;

(3) place a candle in the middle; (4) ignite the wick

There were two luminaries that were special to me. My father's (see blog... A Chip Off The Ol Rock) and a young man named Cale: I had him in class when he was in elementary school. In high school, Cale played football, and I was his position coach for offense and defense. What I will always remember was his contagious grin. When he messed up a route or play, he would just give you that grin (and usually look at me and say "what?"), I couldn't yell at him. I would say, "You know what!" Cale's life ended tragically in a car accident a couple of years ago. At the time of his death he was nearing the end of veterinary school at MU. He was going to be employed at one of our local veterinary clinics upon graduation. He was one of my favorites, and I miss being able to see him...but one day soon, I will see him again.

Saturday, May 26, 2007


Many people ask me, what kind of restaurants do they have in Romania...well would you believe, McDonald's. In 04 we ate at the McDonalds in Bacau (top left) and 05 and 06 the McDonalds in Galati (top right). Of course our hometown McDonalds is a frequent stop during the week (lower left).
My favorite though, is La Mommas in Galati...GREAT Italian cuisine.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

About One Year Later

On Wednesday the 23rd, Troy posted two articles on his blog about work being done in Galati, Romania. The second entry had a a photo in it that caught my eye. In this photo is Mihia (a believer, and interpreter) and two young men, John and Daniel. The picture above was taken last summer while the team from FBC was in Galati, working in zone 9. I do not know who the woman is in the photo: In the center is Jay and to his left is John. Jay had met John while doing street evangelism, and then was invited back to his apartment where he led the first lesson in the John Study. There are six Bible studies in the John study (provided by the National Bible Reading Campaign). The first four lessons are about; John the Baptist, The Samaritan Woman, The Hungry Multitude, and The Man Who Was Born Blind. These begin to build a foundation about Jesus. It isn't until lesson five, Nicodemus, a Religious Leader, that the invitation to make a life changing decision and follow Jesus is extended to those doing the study.
I consider myself and my family blessed to attend a church where the staff members are very mission minded. Casey (Minister of Youth) is making his first trip to Romania in June. He will be leading team 2, composed of three high school age youth. Steve (Minister of Music) and his wife, Grace, were members on a team that led the song worship for the missionaries serving in Romania last November at a retreat in Braun. This will be Jay's (FBC pastor) fifth mission trip to Romania: He will also be taking his wife and two children.
Many of my friends don't understand why I feel led to go to Romania to tell people about Jesus...even after I try to explain it to them. For me the bottom line as a follower of Jesus, is to be obedient to the moving of the Holy Spirit in my fill in the blanks (Read my post in April...Fill in the Blanks). God used Jay to begin the process of filling in the blanks in John's life. About one year later the final blank was filled when he truly repented and turned his life over to Jesus Christ.
To read about John and the work Troy is doing in Galati, go to Troy's blog (provided for you right here):

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Gearing Up For Galati

Tonight, Team 1 had their first meeting at where else...McDonald's. Yes, we will be visiting the golden arches half a world away when we are in Galati, Romania. How appropriate to meet here for our first meeting.

Team Goal: To lift up the Name of Jesus Christ (Job 42:1)

Team Mission: To point the lost toward the cross (Luke 9:23)

Team Members: (L to R) Lanny, Whitney, Steven, Tracy, Caleb, and better late than never, Alex.

(above left) Photo of Whitney and Andrew signing theirs and each team member's commitment sheet. We have committed six things to God and to each other: (1) acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord of my life each day; (2) have a daily quiet time; (3) love and encourage each team member; (4) share my faith with others; (5) become a discipler of others as God gives opportunity; (6) pray daily for team members by name. Each member also received short daily scripture reading and and audio CD for their quiet time.

We acknowledge God for what he has done in our lives and for what he is going to do in our lives. We are embarking on a trip in a few short weeks that will allow us to develop a deeper more meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. I am truly humbled that God would allow me to return to Romania again and witness to the people, of the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Team 1, next meeting 5/30/05 at Maxicare Office (Jeff & Nancy Mile's office), 811 South Walnut at 8 p.m....any members from team 2 and 3 welcome to come and join us for devotion and prayer in the conference room.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Cross Walk

Today I was truly blessed to have the opportunity to meet Craig Leaming from Urbandale, IA. Craig is truly an dynamic man because of his walk...his spiritual walk that is. His physical walk is very impressive too, logging forty miles a day as he (now) heads south toward Brownsville, TX. This is the fourth and final leg of his journey that will complete the cross. Leaving from Des Moines, IA, Craig has traveled East, West, North, and now South. The first question you might have is the same one I had, why? Intercession. Craig's journey across America is a mission of prayer and intercession for a lost nation. His goal is that the message of Jesus Christ would inspire a nation to repentance. To hear his audio blog and to read more about this amazing servant of God on his web page, go to:

There is no coincidence in life for a follower of Jesus Christ; every situation we encounter, person we meet, or place we travel is by divine appointment. I think Craig's mission is summed up at the top of his web page where it says, " Repenting for our Nation. Reclaiming it in Jesus name. One prayer. One step at a time."

Craig told me that he should be in Brownsville, TX on June 20th. Please pray for him as he fulfills the Father's Will and that lives will be touched in Jesus name.

Craig and I at the Blarney Stone in McCorkle Park (top left photo). Dinner time at McCorkle's
with Craig (lower right photo).

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

King Of The Grill

Today we had an invitation extended to us for some great fellowship and eats at Jeff and Nancy's home. Although Lila already had dinner plans elsewhere, the girls and I readily accepted. The King of the Grill (aka-Jeff) served up some great eats, grillers and turkey steaks, (photo below right) and Nancy served twice baked potatoes, stuffed mushrooms, and pasta salad...

I almost forgot the strawberry cheesecake.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Heading To His Turf

The last time we saw Troy Geddes ( above photo blue shirt ) was in December of '06 he was on our"turf "(speaking in our services). In less than four weeks, the first of three teams, from FBC, Cameron will arrive in Romania, we will be on his "turf." It is truly amazing to see what God is doing through Troy in Galati as he works among the people in Zone 9 (most populated area) and Zone 6 (poorest area). To check out Troy's Blog go to:

Pray for Troy (and his family) as he works with the nationals to build the foundation for churches in zones 6 and 9.

Two years ago, Troy prayer walked the city of Galati and zoned
it into 14 zones. To the left is a map of zone 6.

This photo was taken in zone 6: The above right photo is of zone 9.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

A "Pearl" of a Mother

I am very fortunate to still have my mother. The older I become, the more I appreciate everything she has done for me. Not only is she my mom, but she is one of my very closest friends. I can still have heart to heart talks with her; or just shoot the breeze about whatever. Since I have two children, I understand the parent/child relationship, but as I grow older, it has changed for the better. When I was a small boy, I always had the things in life I needed and many things I wanted. She has been the driving force behind me to be the kind of man I have become. When I was a senior in high school, she almost died of a respiratory virus. Evidently, God wasn't ready for her to come home. I can't imagine all the vivid memories I would have missed if God would have taken her home.

My girls are greatly influenced by her presence in their lives by the values she has instilled in them. I am so thankful they have had the opportunity to have a grandmother like her.

She continues to impact my life with her love and support as God sends me (and Whitney) to witness to the people in Romania. I realize God is still using my mom to spread the Gospel around the world through us. I know if she were physically able, I would have many more vivid memories with her as she traveled with us. No matter what happens, I know her legacy will live on because of the impact she has had on me and my family.

Thanks, Mom, for everything...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Good Just Ain't GOOD Enough!

I attended a friends funeral yesterday with my pastor. It was amazing to me the perception that the ministers had in regard to getting to Heaven. They left the idea that, if you were a good person and lived a good life, you would go to live in Heaven when you died. Sadly to say, for anyone to believe this, is in direct conflict with what God's Word says.

How tragic when some one dies; to be at a service where nothing is presented about God's sacrifice, Jesus Christ...He is the only one that can allow us to stand before a Just God, forgiven of our sins.

I left the service believing that my friend died without receiving Christ into his life. As we were walking to our vehicle to leave, he (my pastor) shared with me (choking back the tears) how this man had really died on March 24, 2007. He had just finished a graveside service, speaking on the 23rd Psalm. My friend told him that he wanted to talk to him later. On the way back to town, this man told how he felt how he had messed up and failed in life. My pastor ask him one question: If you died, and were standing before God, and He ask you, why should I let you into my Heaven, what would you say? He replied, I lived a good life, I tried, but I messed up and I'm sorry. To that my pastor said, that's not good enough. How appropriate, sitting in a funeral coach, with tears dripping into his lap, he prayed to receive Christ into his life.

I am thankful I attend a church where the life changing power of God's son Jesus Christ is proclaimed in every service. We will NEVER be good enough on our own merits to claim a heavenly home. ONLY by faith in Jesus Christ (to forgive our sins), trusting in Him to save us, and making Him Lord of our life can we be assured of our eternal destiny (John 14:1-6). Our Good, just ain't good enough.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Commissioning

Last night several of us attended a commission-ing service at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church located in Liberty, MO. The missionaries there were being commissioned by the International Mission Board (IMB) to go to many different parts of the world to recruit followers to receive Jesus Christ into their life.

The photo on the right is Avery T. Willis Jr. (author and developer of Master Life) and yours truly.

Dr. Jerry Rankin, IMB President, and his wife Bobbie stopped just long enough to let us snap this photo. Dr. Rankin was the featured speaker delivering a charge to the appointees.

Many of my good friends from our area were at
the service. My friend, Eric, and his daughter
are pictured at the right.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Kairos at CRCC

Yesterday, the offenders at Crossroads Correctional Center finished their Kairos training which began Thursday evening. The offenders were a diverse group of individuals with many different religious backgrounds. The thirty-four offenders were divided into six houses named Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, and Peter. Each house elected a spokesman and he had five minutes to answer these three questions for his particular house: (1) What was your spiritual condition when you came to Kairos? (2) What did you find? and (3) What will you do with what you found? Whether they become followers of Jesus Christ or not, the seed was sown in the sessions they attended during the four days. I believe friendships were formed among the offenders that could not have happened without God's intervention. Jesus is love. The team that entered Crossroads on Thursday did it with love. Each member of the team showed the offenders true love; they did not care what crime had been committed in the past. Their focus was on the future. There will be follow-up sessions between the team and the men that attended the Kairos program.

I believe it was by divine appointment that I was privileged enough to be invited by my friend, Jeff, to attend the closing ceremonies. I also believe that the team members received a great blessing by their participation in God's Work at Crossroads Correctional Center.Perhaps we should examine our spiritual walk using a version of the three questions the offenders were asked to address : (1) What is your spiritual condition? (2) What you have found God wants YOU to do? and (3) What will you do with what you have found?
David Mansingh, Chaplin at CRCC, e-mailed some of the comments the offenders made during the presentation Sunday afternoon. Each offender that chose to, could give a three minute testimony. Below is a few of the comments they made:
(1) "We did not know what to expect when we came. Brothers that did not speak to each other in the yard are now talking to each other." -Ronald
(2) The team brought the love of God here. We have experienced the greatest high with the Love of God here. It was better than any drugs I have ever taken. It was not a human love, it was God's Love. We are taking the Holy Spirit with us. Jesus is the manifestation of God's Love.
(3) I have not seen so many people since my jury trial. My family has rejected me when I came to prison. The Kairos family is my family now.
(4) When we came, we did not get along with each other. Now we love each other.
(5) God has changed my Heart. This is the only program that made me cry.
(6) I do not have a family. Kairos is now my family. I love God and I love people.
(7) The team had open hearts and open minds. They did not judge us.
(8) Kairos has lit a light at this prison. We have 34 lights shining at CRCC. I do not have to be ashamed any more. I have a new power to live for Christ.
(9) I am not innocent. I am guilty. I belong in prison. I have found forgiveness of my sins in the Kairos weekend.
May God bless the team members and the offenders as the continue this program at CRCC.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Three Words; love, serve, grow

Our church has adopted a theme summed up in three simple words: love, serve, grow. By putting feet to these three words, we are able to minister to our community and to the world in which we live. God commanded us to love Him above all things, and to put Christ at the center of our life. He also commanded us to love our neighbor as our self. When we do this, Christ moves us to serve. God is not concerned with our abilities, he is concerned with our availability. Being available to be used to accomplish God's Will is service. When we love and serve, we begin to grow as Christians. By reading (and learning) God's Word, having a consistent prayer life (quiet time), fellow shipping with other believers, and sharing our faith we are truly growing in our Christian life. This is what I believe...What about you?

AWANA Awards Night

It was very difficult to find a parking place at church last night due to Wednesday night activities, in particular AWANA. I thought it would be neat to show a few photos of the and write a short blog. I spoke to Nancy Miles (AWANA Commander) and she said it was an amazing night. There was great fellowship with the children's parents. A great number of the children that came to AWANA on the bus brought their parents to the award ceremony. Many awards were given to the preschool through the sixth grade children. One special award, The Timothy Award was earned by a sixth grade boy named Daniel. To earn this award every book must completed from the Cubbies (preschool) through TNT (sixth grade). He was presented a Bible and a plaque for his accomplishment. After the program, refreshments were served in the fellowship hall.

A full house watched while the AWANA
awards were given to the children.