Sunday, May 13, 2007

A "Pearl" of a Mother

I am very fortunate to still have my mother. The older I become, the more I appreciate everything she has done for me. Not only is she my mom, but she is one of my very closest friends. I can still have heart to heart talks with her; or just shoot the breeze about whatever. Since I have two children, I understand the parent/child relationship, but as I grow older, it has changed for the better. When I was a small boy, I always had the things in life I needed and many things I wanted. She has been the driving force behind me to be the kind of man I have become. When I was a senior in high school, she almost died of a respiratory virus. Evidently, God wasn't ready for her to come home. I can't imagine all the vivid memories I would have missed if God would have taken her home.

My girls are greatly influenced by her presence in their lives by the values she has instilled in them. I am so thankful they have had the opportunity to have a grandmother like her.

She continues to impact my life with her love and support as God sends me (and Whitney) to witness to the people in Romania. I realize God is still using my mom to spread the Gospel around the world through us. I know if she were physically able, I would have many more vivid memories with her as she traveled with us. No matter what happens, I know her legacy will live on because of the impact she has had on me and my family.

Thanks, Mom, for everything...

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