Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

One of these two people has a birthday today. I'll give you a isn't the one in the orange shirt. Happy birthday Lila, love ya! I won't tell how many years.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

It Just Ain't The Same

Hey Whitney, Nike here. Dad told me that you e-mailed him and wanted him to give me a hug from you. After my long morning into the afternoon nap, I jumped on the floor and told him, "Lets get this over with. I have tree trunks to see and flowers to water." Above is that Kodak moment just for you. Don't tell him but I like your hugs better...your face is softer and your breath doesn't smell like coffee! Love you and miss napping with you on the couch: Speaking of the couch, I need another nap. I promise I won't pee in your room...Nike.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Crash Course

Tonight several members of our church experienced 50 chapters of the bible in approximately 25 minutes. Green Valley Baptist Church (in St. Joseph) built a reproduction of the Mosaic Tabernacle Moses built using the instruction plan God gave him on Mt. Sinai. The only scale down of this reproduction was the outer walls...they were not built 150'x 75' , but the inner court was built to scale. Below are photos of the tour.

On the van on the way (left)...A quick dinner and off to the tour (right).

Inside the church, this poster showed the layout of the camp of Israel along with the tribes on each side (left).
We headed to the tour from the north...This would have been where the tribes of Dan, Asher, and Naphtali were camped (right).
The only entrance into the Tabernacle was to walk through the Tribe of Judah. The colors of the gate were white, blue, scarlet, and purple, signifying royalty and sacrifice, stood out against the pure white linens of the court fence (left ).
The Brazen Alter (right) was made of acacia wood and covered with bronze, the alter that consumed the sacrifices was located directly inside the embroidered gate.

The Laver of Bronze (left) was located between the alter and the Tabernacle. Made from the freewill offering of mirrors, the reflecting basin was used by the priests in an ongoing act of cleansing before entering the holy place.
The front of the Tabernacle (right) had five pillars signifying the first five books of the old testament and words in Hebrew.
Inside the Tabernacle and the holy of holies was a place only the priests could go. The holy place housed the Golden Lampstand (below left) and the Table of Showbread ( right). The Lampstand was made of pure solid gold and was the only source of light within. The table was constructed of wood, overlaid with gold. The 12 loaves of bread represented the 12 tribes of Israel.
The curtain in front of the holy of Hollie's (left) with the Horned Alter of Incense (wood covered with gold) sitting in front.
Two cherubims above the ark of the testimony inside the Most Holy Place (right).
The Ark of the Testimony in the Most Holy Place. The garments of the priests also required special materials that had great significance. All the colors, precious metals and jewels, fabrics, had meaning that represented God's character, pointed to Christ, and represented a picture of heaven. Each offering, a blood sacrifice, was brought to the alter by the high priest, to make atonement for the people (acceptance always based on atonement). Jesus atoned for our sins by dying on the cross so we could be accepted by God. In old testament times the Tabernacle was a means for God to meet with man. When Jesus died for our sins this physical tabernacle with its rituals were no longer needed. With Jesus as my High Priest it makes it possible for me to meet intimately with God and have a personal relationship with His son Jesus.
For a related story, see Michelle's Blog titled: Tabernacle experience.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Home, Away From Home

Today we took Whitney to her new home away from home in Maryville, Mo on the campus of Northwest Missouri State University. Yes ladies and gentlemen she has now become a Bearcat: Not a Griffin (MWSU) or a Bulldog (Truman). Not black and gold or purple and white, but green and white...It will definitely take me a while to adjust to the new color scheme.
Below are a few photos of her home to the north:

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Gathering III

The Gathering III was held at FBC last night with a very good turnout for dinner and an outstanding worship service (after dinner) performed by The Woods Chapel Jazz Band (out of Blue Springs). Below are a few photos of the evening.

Left: Landon (burgundy shirt) and Jay (black shirt) grilling the burgers and dogs...Oh my! They have no aprons on to protect their clothes...Guess I will have to "hook them up" with one.
Right: Now, how did you want your burger or dog? Was that grilled or fried?!

Left: Doug shows the proper way to grill (not fry)...Hat, towel on shoulder, nice red apron, and the proper technique using the tongs. Obviously the photos tell which one of our cooks wins the title of, King of the Grill.
The Woods Chapel Jazz Band performing last night.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Vaya Con Dios-Dos

Casey (pilot) and Travis (wanna-be-pilot) navigated our van to FBC, Orrick for an associational youth rally called, Vaya Con Dios II.
Casey shows the correct way to scarf down a rather large taco salad...Unfortunately(for him) I caught him in one of his awkward moments of shoving a large bite into his mouth. The eyes say it all, don't they?
Here our group gets comfortable before the program to begins.

Casey was one of the two feature guest speakers on the night, he spoke on James 4:4-10. The other speaker was Jerry Powell, former Youth for Christ leader (during the 70's and 80's).
There was two Christian rock bands that played, Argo's Crossing and Give Me Sound (above).
For more photos and story see John's blog:

Monday, August 11, 2008

A Read, A Ring, And A RON

Randy thanks so much for retrieving my wedding ring from the Training Center. Today is our 23rd wedding anniversary, and it is nice to have my original ring on my finger again. I owe you one...As a matter fact, in the photo above is the 60 RON I said I would get you for not selling my ring to your first buyer for the price of 50 RON. I also received a book for you after I returned home from Romania...Oh well, I guess I will have to hand deliver the Read and the RON with the hand that has the ring late next Spring (if you can wait that long)! Thanks so much, you are a true friend!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Camp Life Ends At Grand Oak's

This year at Grand Oak's was probably the best associational camp I have been involved with since I was a young man many years ago. There were 12 salvations, 2 for special prayer, 2 for special service and 24 re-dedications...40 total decisions. I would like to personally thank all the staff, Bible teachers, camp pastor (Chris Cox), mission leaders, cooks, praise band, and directors for giving up their time to make a difference in the lives of the young people living in the towns in our HBA (Heartland Baptist Association). A BIG thank you to those brave ladies that attended to the mission friends (babies and young children) while their parents served in camp in many capacities. Below are a few photos of last night and this morning.
At our campfire service last night, our seniors were honored and were lifted up in prayer as they all prepare to set off for college later on this month. A side note to this was worth the whole week at camp. There was one young man, 16 years old, named Thomas who was in my cabin. He arrived at camp without a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...but left camp with the best friend he will ever have in his life. He came forward and spoke with me when the invitation hymn was played. I ask him why he came forward and he said he didn't know. I had shared with my group on Tuesday the way to use the Share Jesus Without Fear method of finding out the spiritual condition of some one they would encounter. So I cut to the chase and ask him the fourth question: "If you died tonight and stood before God, and God ask you, Thomas, why should I let you into my Heaven? What would you say?" No answer, I just said, "do you know that you would go to heaven if you died tonight?" He said "no." "Would you like to take care of that problem in your life tonight?" "Yea," he said. So on August 7, 2008 at approximately 9:45 pm, a young man named Thomas at Grand Oak's Camp, died... to himself and made the most important decision of his life he made Jesus the Lord and Savior of his life. How totally humbling it is when God chooses you to be the one to tell some one that searching for meaning in their life about His one and only son, Jesus Christ.

A candid photo of the 11 senior high school young men in my cabin during the morning opening.

The senior girls took down the flag this morning ending this 2008 HBA week at Grand Oak's.
Loading up the van to head for Cameron. Thanks, Bennie!!!
Casey and I arrived first, so we started unloading the youth's luggage.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Grand Oak's Camp

Rev. Chris Cox presented an extremely powerful message using Matthew 27:45-46. Many of the young people were moved to make a decision during the invitation hymn. So far there has been 22 decisions during this week of camp. Please pray that the decisions will be life changing events in these young people's lives...that there will be a true transformation in their lives from the inside out.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Grand Oaks Camp

We now have perfected the new art of baptism on the run. Above right, Caden demonstrates this new art by totally drowning Josie. The photo on the right is the end result. In any case the job of the day was beat the heat, as temperatures hovered around 100 degrees.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Armor Of God

We are studying in the book of Ephesians (chapter 6), about The Armor of God. Today we were looking at the passage found in the 14th verse concerning the Breastplate of Righteousness. In one of our sessions, David Palmer fabricated a breastplate for our group while we listened to him describe the procedure and the critical information about this important piece of protection. Above are a couple of photos of David and the completed breastplate.

Camp Notes

A week at Grand Oak's Camp $80...
Snack Shack tickets $10 each...
Casey in his little brown apron...PRICELESS!
Randy, this might be yours!!!

Random Photographs From Camp