I received this via the Arbor e-Devotional today from my good friend Mike Proud...I liked it so much I decided to post it. The parable of the Sower is one of my favorites in the Bible, this take is a bit of a twist (on the parable). I hope this devotional blesses you as much as it blessed me.
Keep throwing the seeds!
(Mark 4:3-9)
I love how the Bible is like a diamond. Each time you behold it you see something new, or at least see something in a new way. If you are like me, you often read the Parable of the Sower and think about its message in terms of the soils, or the growth which does or does not take place. But this morning let us look at this parable from a different angle; let us focus on the sower himself.
What do we know about the sower? All we really know is he went out to sow. Now, I realize this may be a statement of the obvious, but the whole of the parable depends on the sower going out into the field to sow. He is the catalyst for what is to follow. Without the sower there is no parable. Without the sower there is no teaching. And here is the most important aspect, without the sower there is no harvest. It takes the sower to cast seed on the soil before there will ever be a harvest. This is a message which we should take to heart.
Folks, the truth is we will never see a harvest for the Kingdom of God until we go out to sow the seed. Notice something here, the sower's responsibility was not to make the seed grow, nor was it to worry about the type of soil upon which the seed fell. His sole responsibility was to sow. As we take Jesus' words to heart we should keep this in mind; there will not be a rest of the story until we first go out and spread the seed of the gospel! God is faithful to bring growth, are we being faithful to do our part? Let us go sow!
-Dr. Michael Proud