A foggy Saturday morning greeted us at the main building at CCRC
This past weekend I was one of the members on the team that shared Jesus Christ to a select group of offenders at CCRC. The offenders selected for this program are, "men that have influence over other men" at CCRC (leaders). The program began on Thursday evening and continued until the graduation for the offenders on Sunday afternoon. Six offenders are seated at tables with three team members. Each table is given a name, for example, The Family of John. The offenders are of many religions or non believers...They are seperated so there are very few in any one family of the same religious background. Our team, a multi-denominational group of men, all share a personal relationship with Jesus Christ...the "label" is not important. There were 29 offenders and 33 team members for Kairos IV. I am once again humbled by the way God has selected me to go out side my comfort zone by being the Observing Leader...I will lead Kairos V this April/May at CCRC. We provide many snacks, food, and beverages (hot coffee, juice, lemonade) they do not get while incarcerated, but better than physical food, we offer spiritual food, acceptance and brotherly love. The main objective for Kairos is forming prayer and share groups within the prison walls where offenders can fellowship together and support each other through tough times. These men will remain in their new family groups when they begin attending Tuesday night call out for a couple of months. After completing the program the offenders have the option to attend or not attend the call out...they get to choose.
This weekend we will return for the follow up with the Kairos IV graduates. The emphasis will be on teaching them how to participate in the Tuesday night prayer and share group. I am interested to see how many attend this Saturday and then how many continue with the Tuesday night call out. On February 7, 2009 will be the reunion for all those offenders that are active in the Tuesday night call out followed by Kairos V in late April into the first of May.
Kairos means "God's time." All events in our life happen in God's time when we are actively seeking God's Will.