Sunday, June 21, 2009

Successful Mission Event At FBC

Sunday afternoon was our Spaghetti Lunch/Dessert Auction to help support our mission trips to Romania and Honduras this Summer: The meal and auction raised around $2,050.00. Below are a few random photos of the preparation prior to the lunch and the top three desserts purchased.
It is truly a blessing to attend a church that has a missional attitude in spreading the gospel not only at home but around the world. We give God all the glory for what he is doing here at FBC, Cameron, MO.

Third highest amount: A Coffee Cake

Second highest amount: A Twinkie Cake

The highest amount: A Turtle Cheese Cake

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A "Horse" Of A Different Color

Our Evangelism Committee opted for something completely different for a Spring revival at FBC, Cameron...It was definitely an "out of the box" experience for those attending Saturday morning. Over the course of 90 minutes I watched a horse named Sam, begin the transformation of trust and discipline from David Case . He paralleled how we were before and after when we are transformed by a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In the beginning , Sam ran away from Jim, but as the time progressed, he learned to begin to trust and learn discipline. Sam began to seek out a friendship with Jim; in the beginning David was pursuing Sam, but as time passed the opposite began to happen. As Sam's trust increased, he allowed David to take him further and further out of his comfort zone...experiencing things that were new and many times frighting to him. Through this experience David painted the way many of us were before and then after trusting Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior.



For more information also posted on Jay's Facebook page/Jay's Blog.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Stormy Night

Snapped this photo of the storm that passed just north of us that produced grapefruit size hail.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sounds of Silence...Not!

Nike and I were enjoying our quiet Saturday morning and then it started up...again. Don't tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor. There are now seven dogs that reside in three homes directly behind us. I guess He is getting me ready this year for the K9 singing in Galati. I ask Nike what they were saying, but he didn't want to tell me!