Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Last Day...Priceless

My first teaching/coaching contract in 1981 at Cameron, $12,175...

A Coke from the vending machine in the teacher's workroom, $1.00...

Teaching 29 years in the same school district then retiring at the age of 50...Priceless!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Lookin Toward The Future

Since 2006, this has been my little corner of the world at school...An office built in the corner of the downstairs gym. The previous 25 years my office was upstairs in various rooms, sometimes with some coworkers and sometimes an office all to myself. Yesterday was the day everything was taken down, crated up and made ready to be stored in my basement at home. This weekend it will be totally cleared out in preparation for its new occupant. In 1981, if you would have told me that I would spend my whole teaching and coaching career here at Cameron, I would have bet you that this would not happen...I have enjoy my first career, but now I look forward to what God has planned for me to do for the remainder of my days on earth. I am confident that He has already begun that process many years ago and He is waiting for the right time to open the doors He wants me to go through...I walk by faith, not sight.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Special Friends...On Our "Turf"

We were truly blessed to have three of the Geddes family (Troy, Karla, and Robert) on "our turf" for a visit while they are here in the states until late August. They are missionaries in the country of Romania and their assigned area is in the southeast. I became acquainted with them in 2004 when a small fact finding group (Jay, Nancy, and myself) from our church went to a city in the southeast called Galati. On that trip, I went kicking and screaming, vowing to God that I came, I saw, are you happy now, leave me alone about this issue! What has transpired in my life since then can only be explained by me as God putting Troy and his family directly in the crossroads of my life. I have not to this day met someone that just oozed Jesus like Troy did...and still does. In this family, I saw true sacrifice and what it really meant to be a committed follower of Jesus Christ...I was just going through the motions in my walk with Jesus. Since that trip, God has allowed me to return every year for two weeks up to a month at a time. Each time God continues to grow and shape me into the man He desires me to become as I am obedient to His will. Evey time I go, I leave a bigger piece of my heart there with the Romanian nationals who have become very dear friends of mine. So Troy, while you are state side I hope you will do the four R's: (1) Relax. You have every reason to do this and you have definitely earned it. (2) Renew. Not only with your family and friends, but with Jesus and the leading of the Holy Spirit. (3) Reflect. Look where you have been, where you are and where God is leading you. (4) Reload. By doing the previous three, you will be ready to go when you return to Romania...You will have a plan in mind based on what you have learned and experienced (the past seven years) and a clearer method to implement it. God bless you and your family as you are state side for a few months. Below are a few random photos taken at Tom and Evelyn Clemons home where we had a cookout for them. Their home is truly amazing...In their basement they have an original 1950's drug store complete with a working soda fountain. They have perfected the art of making an "Old Fashion" sundae...And yes you have to experience one to fully enjoy it!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Retirement Party

Above are the teachers/staff that will be retiring this year at Parkview Elementary School. Between the five of us there are 149 years of experience in the public school system. The retirement party was planned and carried out by past retirees and current staff at Parkview. It was a great time, and upon retiring , we will become part of the group that meets monthly for dinner and fellowship.

Monday, May 3, 2010

April 29-May 2, Kairos 7 At CRCC

Many team meetings proceed a Kairos Weekend. Above is a picture one of those meetings.

Our church provides a place for the out of town team members to stay with no charge.

One of the many "rooms." This has been dubbed, The Nebraska Suite...It has two annex rooms that are also occupied.

What is Kairos? Kairos is a multi-denominational group of Believers who enter a (maximum level 5) prison and present the gospel a group of offenders that are leaders in the institution for a 4 day weekend. The motto for Kairos is: Love, love, listen, listen.

CRCC Maximum Prison...On this particular weekend, miracles happen right in front of our eyes, as we see The Holy Spirit impact lives.

They Are Home

The girl's rooms have gone from vacant to extremely occupied over the weekend. Our quiet empty nest is now filled again...It is great to have them home for the Summer!