Saturday, November 20, 2010

Roland In 2006

Here is the photo I said I would post for you Roland.

Monday, November 15, 2010

FBC Mission Trip 2010

I t has taken me a few months to get this up, but this is a video of our mission trip this past Summer.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Heading Home

The church in the Valley...It is back in the same location where it was in the Summer of 08'.

Schiphal Airport in Amsterdam, Holland, my last stop before flying into Memphis, TN...A 10 hour flight.

A look at the runway, just prior to leaving European soil.

The mountains over southern Greenland, going from snow covered in the interior to the barren peaks the closer we got to the coast.

I was craving bar-b-que when I arrived back in the states, and this one was at the Memphis airport...So I gave it a taste test. It was pretty good!
I know it is a bit late, but getting this last post up has been very difficult. Upon arriving home, wrestling season started and the Kairos weekend took place the next week to the day I arrived back home. So, needless to say, it has been a task to finally get this post up. It was a time of spiritual growth for me on this trip to Romania. God took me way outside my comfort zone on this trip in order to continue the growing process in my life. I am looking forward to returning again next Summer and Fall if this is God's will.