Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Hot Time In Galati Today

It has been cool and pleasant the past week, but today it was cooking with temps. in the upper 90's. But we continued to follow the plan for the day even though Whitney received a nice sunburn for her efforts.

Florine (left) is the first tennis player I have met that is a repenter. After prayer walking z4 and lunch Whitney and I went to Bogdon and Paula's home to leave for the valley.
These are three children from a family that Bogdon ministers to in the valley. Their mother left them with their father and relatives and just left them. We went with him to take clothes to this family. When we visited them today there they were in need of basic necessities of life: God took care of that through us. Bogdon is in the process of getting these children help through a foundation in the Valley just a short walk from their home.

This is where the children live behind this gate with approximately six other families that are related in some way (left). The church in the Valley Bogdon pastors at with its new face lift (right).

Bestha for young boys and girls where Whitney and I are helping the kids there with their English in the afternoon (left). Zone 4, where Randy and Teresa are working to throw the seeds of the gospel (right).
Randy literally has, "A lot of junk in his trunk." It is kinda disturbing to me (left). Storm brewing late in the afternoon and a thunderstorm later that evening blew in on Galati (right).
The next three photos were the team that went into zone 4 last night with several good encounters with the residents there.
We are covering the Kingdomal Doctrinal plan with Troy at night upstairs in the conference room. Whitney and I (along with the nationals and his family attending) are being blessed by Troy's in depth Bible perspective .

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